Ormai è iniziata la moda dei porting del famoso PSGroove. Il team di Mathieul, creatore di PSGroove, sta lavorando al porting su PSP, ma è appena arrivata la notizia del rilascio di un porting per N900, smarthphone della Nokia, ad opera di KaKaRoTo.

Ecco cosa si legge sul suo blog attualmente inaccessibile:

PSFreedom (Jailbreak PS3 with N900) worked, finished and released!
September 3rd, 2010

Hi everyone,

As promised, here’s an update on my implementation of the PSJailbreak exploit : IT WORKS!

I made a video to show you, but I suck at making videos, so we can’t really see what’s going… I’ll do a better one tomorrow.

It’s 9:30 AM here, and I really need to go to sleep, I’ll post more about this tomorrow, and I’ll release the code tomorrow for everyone to enjoy, compile, contribute, read, laugh at, etc…

So here’s the binary release of PSFreedom (thanks to xnt14 for the name) : PSFreedom driver

I would like to thank 3 people in particular who helped me, encouraged me and helped debug with me : NTAuth, philhug and phire (a.k.a phiren) from EFNet.

So here’s how it works.. download the .tar.gz, extract it, copy the files to your n900 (with scp, into /root), then ssh into your N900 and type : ./psfreedom-enable.sh

Then you can follow the usual procedure, unplug the PS3 from power, plug in the N900, connect the power to the PS3, then press power and *quickly* press the eject button… Then just let the magic happen!

Once you’re done or want to revert back to the normal operation mode of the N900 (or to charge it) run the command ./psfreedom-disable.sh

In the future, we’ll have a nice package to install, a GUI application, I’ll make use of the LEDs to show you the status of what it’s doing, and i’ll have it auto-revert to mass storage mode, so you can use your N900 not only to enable homebrew but also to store your homebrew!

See you tomorrow! Good night!


Purtroppo, non essendo in possesso di un N900, non ho potuto testare personalmente questo tool. Se siete interessati a PSFreedom, potete scaricarlo da qui.

Aspetto i vostri commenti per capire se il tool è realmente funzionante.